QUantum Network

A Backbone for Business-Academic Collaboration

Quantum Corridor® is built by Midwest technology innovators to provide a platform for hybrid quantum communications. This information-sharing infrastructure for academic researchers, scientific facilities, defense contractors and industry partners will drive technology careers and business development throughout the region.

Launched in 2023 with its first transmissions from downtown Chicago to Hammond, Indiana, Quantum Corridor® enhances the existing backbone of public fiber with a foundational quantum transmission structure—the flex-grid Reconfigurable Line System (RLS) solution developed by Ciena, a global leader in optical and routing systems. The network is generally restricted to large research and education centers and entities that require high speed and capacity.

The current project conducts lab-standard testing of Quantum Corridor®’s network for its extension toward the Purdue University Northwest Campus in Westville, Indiana. Funded by Indiana READI grant proceeds and private investment, this phase supports equal opportunity for job creation throughout urban and rural communities in Indiana’s Lake, Porter and LaPorte counties.

Once successfully tested, Quantum Corridor Inc. will deploy entanglement nodes with clone reverse optics, a lab and mini data centers within 70-kilometer intervals, eventually continuing Quantum Corridor®’s route along 172 miles from Chicago to Ohio. The extended network will connect research institutions, develop the technology workforce and enable commercial applications of quantum technology in areas as diverse as chemistry, cryptography, machine learning, optimization and simulation.
our network
Offering speeds 1,000 times faster than traditional networks, Quantum Corridor® is America’s first quantum-capable fiber network deployed in a real-world environment. Quantum Corridor Inc. launched the fastest secure commercial fiber-optic network in North America with its first transmissions from Chicago to Hammond, Indiana. Quantum Corridor® will enable regional businesses and institutions to achieve breakthroughs in defense, financial modeling, biotech, cybersecurity, machine learning and other vanguard technologies.
project timeline
Quantum Corridor®’s coherent optical network is scaling its length and capacity to bind the Midwest’s premier research institutions and strong commercial base. Future phases will support technology workforce development and commercial applications of quantum technology in areas such as chemistry, cryptography, machine learning, optimization and simulation.
Fiber in the ground and
optics deployed.
Toshiba Systems tests quantum key distribution (QKD) and BB84 protocol over the 12-mile Quantum Corridor® network.
Toshiba Systems tests quantum key distribution (QKD) and BB84 protocol over the 12-mile Quantum Corridor® network.
(PLANNED 2025)
Once successfully tested, Quantum Corridor Inc. extends the Quantum Corridor® route to 172 miles from Chicago to Ohio and beyond.

“The Quantum Corridor® platform is the first of its kind to enable quantum communication across distances, allowing researchers to collaborate on making these breakthrough applications and devices a reality. The disruptive technologies that will emerge from quantum research will span materials science, electrical engineering, nano-optics, bioscience, machine learning, and more.”

—Prof. Alexandra Boltasseva, Purdue Quantum Science and Engineering Institute